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Our Referral Process

Please scroll below or click here for the Golisano Center for Special Needs Referral Process.​


Your provider has placed a specialist referral for your child. The following is what you may expect:


The referral will be sent to our Referral Coordinator. They will review the referral, obtain any necessary insurance authorizations, and send the referral to the appropriate specialist based on: 

  • Participation with insurance

  • Location

  • Availability.​


If​ you have a specialist preference, please inform your provider, referral coordinator, or front desk staff member as soon as possible so we may send it to them promptly. Please note your preferred specialist may not participate with your insurance. An alternate office may be chosen for you.


It may take up to a month from the time a referral is sent for the specialist office to schedule the appointment.

  • If you do not receive an appointment notification within two weeks, please contact our office to check the status.

  • Most offices will contact you directly via mail or phone to schedule appointments. You may also receive appointment information from our office via mail, phone, or the patient portal.


Please be aware that most specialty offices book out for several months.


Be sure your contact and insurance information is up-to-date with our office.


If you cancel or no-show an appointment, it is your responsibility to contact the specialist office to reschedule. If they ask for a new referral, please contact our office.

Golisano Center for Special Needs Referral Process

Your child has been referred to pediatric development. This is what you may expect:


The waitlist for an appointment could be between 18-24 months.


When GCSN receives and reviews your referral, you will be mailed an intake packet. Complete and return the packet to be placed on the waitlist for an appointment.

  • Your child will only be put on the waitlist once the packet is received by GCSN completed in its entirety.

  • If you do not return the intake paperwork, the referral will be closed and the process will start at the beginning.


If you do not receive the intake packet, you may contact their office to verify your address and request another packet be sent: (315) 464-3555


Please be sure that your address, phone number, and insurance information is up-to-date with our office.

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